Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Believing Your Excuses

"Who do you follow, listen to, and learn from???...Maybe it's your unsuccessful friends, family or neighbors. Maybe it's your inner voice and emotions telling you that you can't or don't have the time to achieve more for you and your children. Well if that is the case, you might have to change the same old stuff because if you don't you will keep doing what you've been doing and keep getting what your getting. You'll look at yourself in the mirror one day or look at your children and say you gave it your best...Bullshit...Knowing full well that you had the opportunity to make things better, but you made a decision to listen to the fabrications, lies, and believed your excuses which led you to quit even before you really got started. You need to follow, listen to, and learn from the leaders not the followers...The successful, not the unsuccessful."

By Patrice Samuel Robinson - 08/05/2014

Monday, August 4, 2014

See Your Vision

"It's extremely important for you incorporate your devotion, your desire, and your discipline everyday, but you must first have a vision of becoming more than you are right today...If you don't, you're not creating your journey, but destroying it, and there is no true joy of living your life to it's fullest potential. See your vision...Believe in your vision, and walk your journey."

By Patrice Samuel Robinson - 08/04/2014